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Should You Lose Weight Over The Holidays? - Antsy Labs

Should You Lose Weight Over The Holidays?

If you’ve been sending over as many pie recipes to your family as I have in getting ready for the epic marathon that is Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and every other family event in-between, you might be shying away from the scale.

As the weather outside becomes ever more frightful, our inclination to do exercise drops off a bit.

Lose Weight and Reward Yourself

Losing weight is a challenge. You're ready for it. But it takes a lot of hard work -- a lot of time -- before you see the results you want. Stay motivated and reward yourself with IRLA Weight Loss challenge medals. Get a series of five medals that mark your milestones for losing weight. As you set more goals and make progress in your weight loss challenges, your IRLAs give you the motivation to do more and more.

And as the Pumpkin Spice Lattés turn into Peppermint Hot Chocolates, the opportunities to pack on a few more calories tend to increase.

(I’m looking at you, holiday parties!)

For anyone who’s been looking to shed a little weight before the New Year, the next month and a half present a difficult time, an obstacle course of family obligations and delicious dinners that can leave even the fittest folks feeling a little flabby.

But there’s also the argument that this is the time of year to indulge, to spend time with loved ones, and to share in the mutual appreciation that comes from cooking and serving our favorite dishes to others.

With that, let’s take a look at a few ways you can keep at least even so you can indulge without feeling guilty.

4 Ways To Maintain Weight (And Even Lose It!) Weight While Eating Normally This Holiday Season

  1. Know Your Weight - This may go without saying, but part of any good health and fitness plan is going to involve understanding where you’re at now so you can measure whether you’re advancing toward your goals. Weigh yourself once a week, at the same time (ideally in the morning), and you’re sure to stay on track.

  2. Get Up And Go - Whether you’re signing the family up for a Turkey Trot 5k or just encouraging an impromptu game of catch during halftime, Woman's Day has the great suggestion of finding ways to move. Given that you may be traveling or have company over, it might not be possible to keep the perfect fitness routine. Use it as a chance to switch things up and involve the whole family!

  3. Go For Multiple Courses (With A Glass Of Water First) - Have a glass of water before you sit down to eat, then prioritize fruits and vegetables as your first few plates. By filling up on the good stuff (and the less calorie-laden), you can have smaller bites for the richer, sweeter things later without worrying as much.

  4. Be The Dish You Wish To See At The Dinner - Though that may not be exactly how Mahatma Gandhi said it, being the one to bring the healthy option to each of your holiday parties or family outings will ensure that you have a go-to item. While you may not get the Oohs and Aahs of the whole office, you’ll get the knowing nods and appreciation from people just like you. 

And for those of you who manage to pull off the rare feat of trimming down over the holidays, you’ll really have earned this IRLA Weight Loss Pack. Think of it as giving yourself a little momentum to start thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions!

The most important, though, is to stay healthy and be happy with friends, family, and loved ones. That’s what the holidays are about!

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