No Loafing Around: 10 Bread Baking Challenges for Beginners
These days, it seems like we're spending more and more time glued to our screens, whether it's binge-watching the latest baking show or scrolling through social media.
We’ve talked a lot about how to do digital detoxes in the past – from different ways to spend less time with your phone to digital detox challenges – but one question that often goes unasked is what you should do with the time you’re not swiping and scrolling.
Today, though, we’re on a mission to slow the scroll and roll out the dough.
Enter bread baking – it’s not just for pandemics anymore!
Is Learning to Bake Bread on Your Bucket List? Reward Yourself Now!
Making a bucket list -- a list of things you want to do before you "kick the bucket" -- is a challenge. Doing them is even more challenging. That's the way you like it. But it takes a lot of different things -- money, time, training, research -- before you can cross each one off your list. Stay motivated and reward yourself with IRLA Bucket List challenge medals. Get a series of five medals that mark your milestones for accomplishing each challenge on your list. As you set more goals and make progress down your bucket list, your IRLAs give you the motivation to do more and more.
Not only is bread baking a great way to get creative (with some delicious results!), but it's also a productive way to keep yourself more engaged with the world.
From quick and easy yeast bread to artisan sourdough boules, this bread baking challenge features 10 types of bread (all with easy recipes, we promise!) designed to help you build your bread-making skills and explore the world of bread baking.
(Plus, who doesn't love the smell of freshly baked bread wafting through the kitchen?)
So get ready to swap screen time for kneading time with these 10 bread baking challenges for beginners.
Sometimes you have to unplug to connect. Earn each of these IRLAs by getting your hands dirty, breathing in the fresh air, and leaving your phone behind. Unwind and rediscover the joys of creating, crafting, and communicating. Each moment away from your devices is a moment to see the world with fresh eyes, to take in the day, and make a choice for yourself.
Now let’s go exploring.
Why A Bread Baking Challenge Makes For A Good Digital Detox
It’s easier than ever to slip into a doom scroll or a swipe spiral. We’re as guilty as anyone, which is one of the reasons we decided to release a set of challenge medals based on the idea of spending a little more time away from our digital devices.
Our Unplugged IRLA Pack is made up of five interactive challenges, including going for a hike with friends, reading a book, writing a short story, building a puzzle, and yes, baking a loaf of bread! For each challenge you complete, you’ll get to proudly display a handsome medal.
Of course, the bonus for these bread baking challenges is that you’ll also get some delicious treats, too, so let’s get to it!
1. Quick and Easy Yeast Bread
Let's start with a simple yet satisfying bread challenge that will help you kick off your bread-making skills.
With this yeast bread, you’ll start with the basics of measuring, mixing, kneading, and shaping dough. Since baking is more science than art (sorry, home cooks!), this is a good lesson in paying attention to the measurements. We promise it’ll be worth it!
Try your hand at the World’s Easiest Yeast Bread recipe.
2. No-Knead Bread
If you're short on time or don't want to get your hands too dirty, this no-knead bread challenge is for you.
You'll learn how to handle sticky dough and understand the bread's fermentation process. The best part? No kneading required!
Save yourself the struggle with this No-Knead Bread recipe.
3. Whole Wheat Bread
Ready to try your hand at a heartier bread?
This bread baking challenge will teach you how to work with heavier dough, develop gluten, and shape dough into loaves. Plus, you'll feel good about incorporating more whole grains into your diet.
There’s not much easier than this Simple Whole Wheat bread recipe.
4. Sourdough Bread
You don’t have to head down to Fisherman’s Wharf once you master your own sourdough bread bowl!
If you're up for a challenge that requires a little more patience and technique, sourdough bread is the way to go. You'll learn how to create and maintain a sourdough starter, shape loaves, and understand the intricacies of fermentation. Your taste buds will thank you!
Give that starter a kickstart with this Easy Sourdough Bread recipe.
5. Baguettes
Fancy a French classic?
Baguettes are just as much about the flavor as they are the presentation, so you’ll get to sharpen your shaping skills. You'll be scoring loaves and feeling like a true artisan baker in no time.
Four ingredients, no kneading, and great baguettes await you with this Easy Baguette recipe.
6. Focaccia
Ready to expand your horizons and try your hand at Italian flatbread?
It’s time to learn about high hydration dough, the practice of stretching and dimpling the dough, and adding toppings. Rosemary, thyme, basil, and oregano are some of our favorites.
Prepare yourself for this Shockingly Easy No Knead Focaccia recipe.
7. Challah
Braided bread, anyone?
This Jewish bread is perfect for improving your braiding skills, working with enriched dough, and creating a soft and tender crumb. Perfect for a special occasion or just because you want to treat yourself!
Master that tender crumb with the step-by-step How To Make Challah Bread recipe.
8. Brioche
For a rich and buttery bread, brioche is the way to go.
With the brioche, you’ll be learning how to handle enriched dough, shape loaves, and create a tender crumb that's perfect for French toast or bread pudding.
There’s no need to go to France when you have this Easy Brioche Bread Recipe right here.
9. Ciabatta
Ciabatta is a classic Italian bread known for its airy interior and chewy crust.
This bread baking challenge will teach you how to work with wet dough, which can be a bit of a challenge for beginners. You'll learn how to mix and shape the dough, and bake it to perfection in the oven. With a little practice, you'll be able to make delicious homemade ciabatta that's perfect for sandwiches, bruschetta, or just dipping in olive oil.
For a lotta taste without a whole lotta ciabatta, check out this Easy Small Batch Ciabatta Rolls recipe.
10. Artisan Sourdough Boule
Ready to take your bread-making skills to the next level?
If you’ve made it through the other nine challenges, it’s time to level up by taking on this beautiful, crusty, and chewy artisan sourdough boule. It will require patience, technique, and a little bit of experimentation, but the end result will be well worth it!
Give yourself a day for this 24-hour Easy Artisan Sourdough Bread recipe.
Sometimes you have to unplug to connect. Earn each of these IRLAs by getting your hands dirty, breathing in the fresh air, and leaving your phone behind. Unwind and rediscover the joys of creating, crafting, and communicating. Each moment away from your devices is a moment to see the world with fresh eyes, to take in the day, and make a choice for yourself.
Now let’s go exploring.