Loosen Up With This 21-Day Stretch Challenge for Runners
Many runners have a love-hate relationship with stretching. That is, they love running, and hate finding the time to stretch.
But if you’re like me and you’re fed up with recurring injuries, delaying runs because of soreness, and not feeling the same joy from your jogs, it might be time to reconsider your relationship with stretching.
Just for Runners!
Running is a challenge. That's the way you like it. But it takes a lot of hard work -- a lot of time -- before you see the results you want. Stay motivated and reward yourself with IRLA Running challenge medals. Get a series of five medals that mark your milestones (literally!) for running. As you set more goals and make progress in your running challenges, your IRLAs give you the motivation to run farther, faster, longer.
In training for marathons and ultramarathons, it’s the times when I prioritized a decent warm-up and cool down routine that I was able to make it through my training without crisis.
During those weeks I consistently skipped, I would (to my surprise!) end up with sore legs, strained calves, and all sorts of other little pains.
So whether you’ve dealt with injuries yourself, or you’d rather avoid them completely, a stretching program is a valuable addition to any running routine.
To help you develop your own, I put together this 21-day stretch challenge for runners. It's designed specifically to help you address these issues and take your running game to the next level!
Why A Stretching Challenge
Running is an incredible form of exercise that brings joy, improves cardiovascular health, and allows you to explore the great outdoors.
However, many runners, especially beginners and intermediate athletes, face common challenges like muscle soreness, tightness, and an increased risk of injuries. This is where a structured challenge can make a real difference.
As Dr. Elizabeth Gardner, a Yale Medicine orthopedic sports medicine surgeon says, “Some sort of stretching is very important prior to running or any exercise for both injury prevention, as well as to improve the quality of your workout.”
By making our stretching into a challenge, we’ll have a clear roadmap to alleviating muscle tightness, increasing flexibility, and reducing the risk of injuries. A challenge adds an element of excitement and motivation to your fitness journey, making it easier to stick with your goals.
To accompany your stretch challenge for runners, check out our Running IRLA Pack, a collection of challenge medals designed to inspire and reward your running (and stretching!) achievements. Whether you're aiming to run a mile, complete a 5k race, conquer a 10k race, achieve a half marathon, or even accomplish a full marathon, the Running IRLA Pack celebrates your progress and dedication.
You’ll earn these IRLAs when you cross certain finish lines, each race bringing you a step closer to where you want to be. But the more finish lines you cross, the more you’ll see how running goes well beyond racing. Some days are race days, but every day can be a run day.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s lace-up and let loose.
The 21-Day Stretch Challenge for Runners
Week 1: Dynamic Stretching and Cool Downs
During the first week of the challenge, the focus will be on dynamic stretching and incorporating cool downs into your routine.
Dynamic stretching involves active movements that engage multiple muscle groups, preparing your body for the demands of running.
By performing dynamic stretches before your run, you enhance your range of motion, boost your running efficiency, and reduce the risk of muscle strains.
Stretching Routine (5 minutes)
Bent-knee forward swings (front to back) - 10 reps each leg
Straight-leg lateral swings (side to side) - 10 reps each leg
Arm swings (forward) - 10 reps
Arm swings (backward) - 10 reps
High knees - 30 seconds
Walking lunges - 10 reps each leg
Remember to incorporate cool down exercises after your run to help your body recover and prevent post-run muscle soreness. That can include a slow jog or walk, or some of your favorite yoga poses.
Week 2: Core Strengthening
Building upon the foundation of Week 1, Week 2 of the challenge introduces core strengthening exercises to improve your overall stability and running form.
A strong core enhances your balance, posture, and helps transfer energy efficiently from your upper to lower body during each stride. To continue this challenge, we will add the following to our above-mentioned stretching routine.
Week 2 Core Strengthening Routine (5-10 minutes)
Runner's lunge with a twist - 30 seconds each leg (to replace walking lunges)
Plank - 60 seconds
Side plank - 30 seconds each side
Bird dog - 10 reps each side
By engaging in core strengthening exercises like planking, you develop a solid foundation to support your running efforts and reduce the risk of injuries.
Week 3: Intensify and Repeat
Week 3 is the final week of our challenge. Here we add a cool down and strengthening routine to push ourselves further. This week's routine can be repeated throughout your running journey for ongoing benefits and improvements.
Week 3 Dynamic Cool Down and Strengthening Routine (5 minutes)
Walking lunges with a twist - 10 reps each leg
Standing quad stretch with a twist - 30 seconds each leg
Standing side lunge - 10 reps each leg
Downward-facing dog - 30 seconds
Upward-facing dog - 30 seconds
Russian twists - 10 reps each side
Glute bridges - 10 reps
This routine combines dynamic stretches with strengthening exercises to optimize your running performance and keep your muscles flexible and strong.
Take on the Stretch Challenge For Runners to Reap the Rewards!
By dedicating yourself to this challenge and focusing on proper stretching techniques, you'll experience improved flexibility, reduced muscle soreness, and a decreased risk of injuries.
You may have found the last week a tough one to do, given that it adds time to both the beginning and end of your runs. As you move forward, listen to your body and make the appropriate adjustments. For longer runs, focus just on the dynamic stretches and warm-up. For easy run days, add stretching and core.
By committing to warming up and strengthening your body, you’re sure to find yourself in better shape for a healthy, long running career.
Before you go, remember to check out our other running challenges and treat yourself to the Running IRLA Pack, where you can earn medals that symbolize your running achievements.
You’ll earn these IRLAs when you cross certain finish lines, each race bringing you a step closer to where you want to be. But the more finish lines you cross, the more you’ll see how running goes well beyond racing. Some days are race days, but every day can be a run day.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s lace-up and let loose.